

SOARing High for M-21-31

Explore three key considerations when implementing logging orchestration, automation, and response for OMB M-21-31.


Splunk App for Data Science and Deep Learning - What’s New in Version 5.1.1

In this article, we'll dive into what's new in the recently released Splunk App for Data Science and Deep Learning (DSDL) version 5.1.1 available on Splunkbase now.


Machine Learning in General, Trade Settlement in Particular

Use the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit to predict the categorical value of any binary field in an event, and how this approach can be used to predict whether a financial trade will settle before its deadline based on the business semantics of related data.


GovSummit Is Returning to the Nation’s Capital This December: Here Are 5 Reasons to Attend

GovSummit is returning to the nation’s capital to bring together innovative public sector leaders and demonstrate how you can deliver on the nation’s cyber strategy with Splunk.


Improvements to Detecting Modern Financial Crime

This blog provides advice to scale the collection and detection of risk scores that are attributed to Financial Crime rules stored in Splunk.


Know Your Customer Again Revisited

Splunker Nimish Doshi provides more details about how the Splunk App for Behavior Profiling makes operationalizing the Know Your Customer use easier to implement.

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