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Predictions 2023: Strategies for Turbulent Times

24 Splunk experts take on the key tech trends and strategies for thriving in the year(s) ahead.

Value and resilience take the lead

Looming recession, deglobalization pressures and a continuing talent crisis, amid a still-shifting “future of work,” will focus digital transformation efforts around immediate payoffs and business resilience. 

Understand the macroeconomic forces, and trends in AI and machine learning — from momentum in key areas to ethical headwinds — plus emerging technologies such as blockchain, the metaverse and more.


New moves against Cybercrime Inc.

Ransomware isn’t going anywhere (unless it’s straight to backchannel extortion), and cyber criminals are always finding new targets and new attacks. 

Among those new vectors: Criminals continuing to adopt cyberwar tools, the weaponization of critical infrastructure, and blockchain hacks as the cyber heist du jour.  

But there are bright spots. Start your year with a new strategy around talent, and a new key for supply chain resilience.


Observability isn’t optional anymore

As hybrid, multicloud visibility becomes foundational, automation emerges as the next differentiator. AI/ML plays an increasingly vital role, and evolving ethical standards will create new concerns — and new roles

Speaking of roles: Heightened focus on business resilience means aspects of the CTO and CISO roles will converge. It’s all about ensuring performance in unstable times.

public sector report

Data gives agency to the public sector

Public sector leaders have vital missions and, usually, fewer resources to ensure them. Solutions are underway, and agencies are finding new ways forward.

New talent strategies offer hope for a perennial problem, while the software bill of materials will be a government-driven initiative toward supply chain resilience that will change the entire software industry.

Get all four Predictions reports