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Splunk Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Position Statement

Purpose and Objectives

Our aim in publishing this ESG Position Statement (this “Statement”) is to describe our current practices, approaches, positions and commitments related to environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects of our business. As Splunk’s ESG programs, practices, performance and commitments evolve and grow, we may modify this Statement at any time by posting a revised version.

The examples described in this Statement address the most frequently requested subject areas from our customers, investors and other key stakeholders, and are not exhaustive:

  • Data privacy, security and compliance
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Ethical business conduct
  • Human rights
  • Workforce (includes pandemic planning and response)
  • Responsible sourcing, procurement and supplier management


Where applicable, each section includes links to additional disclosures and related information.


Related information:

Data Privacy, Security and Compliance

Splunk’s global privacy, security and compliance programs are designed to meet our customers’ needs internationally and comply with global standards. The following Guiding Principles related to data privacy, security and compliance inform our approach. Our Splunk Protects site provides extensive details of our approach.


Data privacy

As a big data company, Splunk understands the importance of data privacy. Our programs, products and services are structured to provide effective data privacy protections for Splunk, its customers, partners and employees.



Security by Design is top-of-mind throughout our development process. Our products and services are designed to meet your data security needs, including access controls, monitoring and encryption.



Splunk complies with industry and international security standards. This includes participating in rigorous third-party audits that verify security controls for our cloud services.


Related information:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

Splunk is committed to maintaining a healthy, safe, supportive, fun and collaborative work environment. Splunk supports diversity in its workforce and believes it is essential for our success, innovation and competitive advantage. Each of us is expected to foster a respectful, non-retaliatory workplace environment that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias and unlawful discrimination of any kind.

Our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is critical in fulfilling our vision to deliver clarity, accelerate positive change, strengthen and lift up communities, and create a more just world. Data illuminates the path to achieve our goals so that all Splunkers can feel safe and thrive.


Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) strategy pillars

Our DEI strategy is built on three key pillars: growing a diverse workforce, nurturing our culture of inclusion in the workplace and driving positive change in the marketplace for Splunkers, customers and partners.


Attracting, retaining and developing diverse talent

We are committed to recruiting, retaining and developing high-performing, innovative and engaged Splunkers with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We created the DEI at Splunk Council (DISCO) to set and track progress on diversity, equity and inclusion across all functions and geographies. We have also implemented processes, tools and education to try to prevent unconscious bias across our hiring and talent recruitment processes.


Splunker diversity data

We annually disclose key metrics related to workforce composition in our Splunk Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Annual Report.


Equal opportunity employment

Employment at Splunk is based solely upon individual merit and qualifications directly related to professional competence and the legitimate needs of the company. Splunk strictly prohibits unlawful discrimination based on legally protected characteristics.


Investigation of discrimination claims and non-retaliation

Splunk prohibits discrimination and harassment in any form – verbal, physical, virtual, visual or otherwise. If employees believe they have been harassed by anyone at Splunk, or by a Splunk partner, vendor or other service provider, they are instructed to immediately report the incident to their manager or Human Resources. Managers who learn of any such incident must immediately report it to Human Resources or to the Legal Department. Splunk will promptly investigate and take appropriate action. Splunk also maintains an anonymous third-party managed Ethics and Compliance Hotline that offers an option for anonymous complaints

Splunk does not tolerate retaliation. We seek to provide a safe, healthy and productive workplace. Splunk prohibits retaliation against any employee who in good faith reports or participates in an investigation of a possible violation of our Code or other Splunk policy.


Related information:

Environmental Sustainability

Splunk is committed to avoiding, minimizing, mitigating and/or when appropriate, offsetting our impacts on the environment. Although we are early in our environmental sustainability journey, these commitments guide our approach and will serve as the foundation for future environmental initiatives, programs and disclosures related to environmental sustainability.


We believe in climate science

As a fact-based, data-driven technology company, we accept the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) assessment of climate change science and acknowledge that human activities contribute to climate change and business has an important role in addressing this global challenge. As such, we support the Paris Agreement outcomes and the long-term goal to limit average temperature rise to between well below 2°C and 1.5°C.


We set rigorous climate targets and partner with leading global organizations to drive climate action

Splunk’s first suite of science-based climate targets are to:

  • Achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 as verified by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) in a manner consistent with a 1.5°C ambition level
  • Register a second suite of shorter-term five, ten, and fifteen year targets with the SBTi by the end of fiscal year 2023

Splunk is proud of its commitment to these leading climate campaigns and organizations:

  • Splunk is a proud signatory to the Business Ambition for 1.5° campaign, the world’s largest and fastest-growing group of companies taking urgent action for a 1.5°C future and setting targets at the pace and scale required by climate science. Through Splunk’s Business Ambition for 1.5°C commitment, Splunk is also part of the UN Climate Champions’ Race to Zero campaign and the We Mean Business coalition.
  • As an official TCFD Supporter, Splunk declares its support for the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, a global set of reporting guidelines that foster transparent and comparable climate reporting.
  • Exemplifying its commitment to environmental transparency, Splunk participated in the 2021 CDP (formerly Climate Disclosure Project) Climate Change Questionnaire, becoming an official CDP Discloser

We aim for accurate, transparent and comparable energy and climate disclosures

Splunk is in the early stages of measuring and reporting its energy and greenhouse gas emissions footprint. We are committed to following globally accepted climate-related accounting and disclosure standards, frameworks and methodologies, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and GRI Standards, and The Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) guidelines.

While our immediate focus is on footprinting and disclosing our energy and greenhouse gas emissions, we aim to identify and measure our water, materials composition and use, and waste streams generated by our operations over time. These efforts are critical to laying the foundation for a fuller understanding of Splunk’s environmental footprint and identifying approaches to reducing the environmental impacts of our operations.


Related information:

Ethical Business Conduct

Splunk emphasizes the importance of ethics and a commitment to legal compliance in all aspects of our business. We expect all Splunkers to act ethically and honestly. This includes all of our employees, directors, officers, agents, partners, representatives, contractors and consultants. To maintain our culture, we must always seek to do the right thing — comply with the law, act honorably and transparently, and treat all with dignity and respect. Splunk strives to ensure ethics and compliance with legal requirements and our Code of Conduct are embedded into the everyday activities of Splunk's worldwide operations and to foster an organizational culture of integrity. Splunk’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics details all aspects and expectations for ethical business conduct.


Related information:

  • Splunk Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Dec. 2019
  • Ethics and Compliance Hotline, anonymous third-party hosted site for asking questions and reporting any concerns about potential issues about Splunk’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Human Rights

Splunk respects the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights and strives to maintain the highest ethical standards of conduct and corporate responsibility — to act with integrity and respect for the rights of each human being.


Human rights

Splunk is committed to upholding the fundamental human rights of our fellow employees, and we expect our vendors, partners and others who provide services on behalf of Splunk to adhere to the same high standards.



Splunk rejects all forms of child, forced or slave labor and prohibits unlawful discrimination and requires all suppliers to certify that they do not engage in forced or compulsory labor, exploitation, child labor or human trafficking.

Splunk is committed to the purpose and principles of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”).


Related information:

Responsible Sourcing, Procurement and Supplier Management

We are committed to meaningfully contribute to sustainable and equitable solutions, including those related to the sourcing, procurement and ongoing supplier management of services and products that are critical to our business. To ensure that our overarching corporate governance goals are reflected in the way we work with our suppliers and conduct sourcing and procurement of goods and services, Splunk’s responsible procurement initiatives are focused on making sure, wherever possible, we work with suppliers who share similar values and governance practices as us.


The Environmental / Sustainable Procurement Initiative:

We are focused on encouraging our suppliers to promote positive practices related to the environment and sustainability within their internal operations, in their facilities, supplier management practices and within their distribution processes. For us to be successful in contributing to sustainable solutions, it is just as important for our suppliers to do the same. To further this goal our objective is to work with as many suppliers as possible who are committed to having suitable environmental policies and guiding principles (use of alternative fuels, etc.), environmentally friendly processes (recycling, shipping, etc.), certifications (Green Business, LEED, etc.), standards (ISO 140001, EMAS, etc.), and reporting in place. To help us, we have recently brought on a provider of supplier sustainability health scores, EcoVadis, to assess and strengthen our sustainable sourcing and procurement practices. In order to track our progress, we commit to identifying and sharing key metrics to measure our success in fiscal year 2022.


The Social / Supplier Diversity Program:

Increasing the diversity of our suppliers, including small businesses, minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, disabled-owned businesses, veteran-owned businesses and LGBTQ-owned businesses is a top priority for Splunk. As we strive to ensure our own workforce is diverse and brings different thoughts and ideas to the table to make us successful, it is just as important for our suppliers to do the same. To track our success in this regard we commit to:

  • Aim to implement the foundation for the Supplier Diversity Program with a first round of Supplier Diversity reporting and metrics being available in the second half of fiscal year 2022.
  • Increase spend by the end of fiscal year 2022 with diverse suppliers to achieve a target (% spend with diverse suppliers) that has been established internally. And, incorporating additional metrics and targets related to Supplier Diversity starting in fiscal year 2023.


The Procurement Governance Initiative:

This effort is designed to ensure Splunk suppliers are viable, in good standing with the government, compliant with regulations and sanctions, and do not participate in illegal practices and activities such as corrupt practices, child or slave labor. Splunk conducts a Vendor Risk Assessment (VRA) as part of its onboarding due diligence. To drive compliance to this Initiative we commit to proactively screening suppliers to ensure Splunk only engages with suppliers who align with our corporate values. We also manage a “Do not do business with” list of suppliers to ensure we do not work with companies banned by regulatory authorities.



At Splunk, exceptional business execution is only possible because of exceptional Splunkers, and a strong focus on the culture and work environment that we all help create. We believe that people do their best work when they're competitively compensated, are safe and healthy, and have a work-life balance that supports their personal and professional aims.


Wages, working hours and benefits

Splunk provides competitive compensation based on the employee’s performance, skills and experience. All employees eligible for overtime, as defined by local law, are paid overtime. Splunk provides comprehensive benefits to employees as applicable by country, such as health insurance, retirement saving options, generous parental leave and family planning benefits.


Work councils

Splunk allows our employees to form work councils according to the applicable laws and regulations and protects them from any acts of interference with their establishments, administration or functioning.


Workforce health and safety

Splunk is committed to protecting worker health and safety, with most employees as office workers. Splunk provides ergonomic assessments for office work space and provides reasonable reimbursements for expenditures related to home office ergonomic set up. Splunk has programs in place to prevent Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI) for office workers.

Splunk maintains all legally required fire prevention and emergency response procedures. We regularly conduct fire evacuation drills at our office buildings. Volunteer fire wardens are assigned for each office floor with supplemental training to assist in fire evacuation and emergency response.


Workforce pandemic planning and response

Splunk’s Board has overseen our management team’s initiatives to ensure the health and safety of our employees and to provide support to our customers, partners and the communities in which we operate. As such, we offer employees thirty days of pay for pandemic-related absences plus periodic wellbeing paid rest days. We also offer counseling, coaching and digital wellness to our workforce during this time.


Related information: