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Global nav V2 patch, remove after adding the mobile languages fix in the codebase (S7 or S8)

Data Responsibility

Leading the way in data responsibility

As we bridge the divide and data volumes grow, Splunk is at the forefront of navigating data security, compliance and accountability.


Addressing the most pressing data concerns

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Data and AI ethics

Balancing the business advantages of AI with equity and ethical software practices.

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Data privacy

Applying rigorous, detailed standards to the data we collect and how we use it. 

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Data security

Protecting customer data, our cloud infrastructure and products with the latest technologies.


Staying at the forefront of data compliance

As the global movement of data increases, we are focused on keeping the transfer of personal data compliant. From updating our agreements to comply with U.K. and EU standard contractual clauses (SCCs) to pursuing binding corporate rules for data processors like Splunk, we are focused on supporting the needs of our cloud customers.


Customer Trust portal launched

Potential customers and suppliers can conduct self-help audits on Splunk policies and practices including global privacy, security and compliance programs, certifications and compliance reports, and security materials.



Advancing the ethical use of data

We are regularly involved in conversations about the ethical use of data in enterprise software and the impact of automated processes like AI and machine learning on business practices.



Joining with industry thought leaders

Splunk is a member of BSA | The Software Alliance committee on AI and ethics, and takes part in continued collaboration with the Future of Privacy Forum and the World Economic Forum.



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See our impact

Discover more about how Splunk advances data responsibility.